Monday, April 21, 2014

English Renaissance Blog Response

This week I looked at Yo and Rachael's blogs.

I liked how Yo focused on Robert Adam. It allowed me to learn a lot more about him as a designer specifically. I liked how he focused on a couple of houses he worked on as well as his style. I also liked how he tried to find modern applications that resembled Adam's style.

This is Adam's Lansdowne House which was my favorite picture on Yo's blog.

Rachael's blog focused on the furniture designers Chippendale, Adam, Hepplewhite, and Sheraton. She also talked about William & Mary and Queen Anne. I liked how she went into specific detail about Queen Anne and Chippendale's unique styles.

I liked this picture from Rachael's blog which is a modern day dining table using Chippendale's chinese style chairs.

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