Sunday, March 2, 2014


What I Learned

Paris was the center of the Gothic world and churches were the center of city life. New rivalries developed between city states and nations and grew into a competition in cathedral construction between the two. This was a period of knighthood, chivalry, and artisan guilds. This was also when the Black plague occurred- a terrible disease that killed 75 million people which was nearly 1/3 of the population.

Religious expression was the heart of design at this time. There was much wealth and power in the church which meant that the popes had a lot of power. Gothic design introduced elements including: pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses. The cathedrals were built to appear weightless and "transcend earthly experience." They had tall walls with a lot of windows including stained glass windows. Rose windows and tracery were very popular on cathedrals during this time.

Rose Window


This picture shows some cathedral terms.

Favorite Gothic Architecture

Gothic architecture is so amazing and beautiful. It's hard to believe how large and ornate they are. They definitely do appear to transcend reality.

Current Application of Gothic Design

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