Sunday, March 2, 2014

Gothic Blog Response

This week I looked at John and Sammy's blogs.

I liked how John went into details about gargoyles that I didn't see on other blogs. I never realized that gargoyles were originally created for functionality instead of just for looks. It was really interesting to learn that they were originally used as water spouts to drain water off the buildings. It was also interesting to learn that the word gargoyle actually translates to "Throat or Gullet" in English.

A picture showing the functionality of gargoyles from John's blog.

I like how Sammy's blog went into detail about the different arch types. Arches were very important during this time so that was a good topic to write more about. It's also very important to notice the differences between the Romanesque arches and the Gothic arches. Sammy explained that the Romanesque period had more of a rounded arch and that the Gothic arches were more pointed. She also explained that the Gothic churches were intended to look like heaven and light, while in Romanesque the churches were thick, dark, and heavy. I like this explanation of the two because it really helps you see how different they both are even though they both use arches.

Pictures from her blog that show the differences between arch styles:

Romanesque Arch
Gothic Arch

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