Saturday, February 8, 2014

Classical Rome

What I've Learned About Rome

Rome was very important in spreading art and civilization. They were the greatest power west of China and they controlled commerce in the western Mediterranean Sea. They had mastered building roads and used the post and lintel construction techniques of the Greeks as well as vault and dome from the Etruscans. Romans are also responsible for the discovery of concrete.
The Colosseum

The Colosseum seats 50,000 and is made of concrete and stone. It uses arch and barrel vaults and each of three orders are present in its architecture. You can see this in each level because each has a podium, column, and entablature. This venue was used for all sorts of things including gladiator fights and cultural events. The Colosseum was used as a prototype for building sports arenas.
Outside of the Pantheon
Inside of the Pantheon
The oculus of the Pantheon.

The Pantheon was commissioned by Marcus Agrippa and rebuilt by the emperor Hadrian. As you can see in my first picture it is made up of a Roman portico in the front and a round temple with a dome in the back. It has the world's largest unreinforced concrete dome and the oculus measures 142 feet in diameter.

Interior Design in Classical Rome  included a lot of mosaics, stucco, and frescoes. They had an obsession with ornamentation which you can see used everywhere. Their floors were usually patterned and the ceilings were flat or vaulted. They also liked using black, gilt, and red colors. Their furniture was made of wood, metal, and stone. They made several types of seat furniture including thrones, couches, chairs (cathedras), and stools (sellas). The sella, or stool, was a seat of honor and a symbol of legal authority. They also made tables, which were usually multipurpose and made of marble, as well as beds that were an addition to the back of the couch.

My favorite architecture from this time includes the two I mentioned above: the Colosseum and the Pantheon. The Colosseum is just such an amazing building that we've based structures off of and the Pantheon is amazing. It's hard to believe that that dome is standing since it's not reinforced. It's also just amazing how big and beautiful it is.

Current Applications of Roman Design

This is a cocktail table that has a design based on the capital of a Roman ionic order column.

AICO Monte Carlo II Silver Pearl King Bed
This is a bed that was inspired by the Roman style.

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