Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ancient Egypt Blog Response

This week I looked at Jessica and Kristina's blog posts on Ancient Egypt.

I resonated with Jessica's because she mentioned not realizing that looking at furniture from civilizations from that long ago would be so useful. I didn't even realize all that the Ancient Egyptians contributed to the furniture world going into this class. I also liked how she mentioned that even though they used basic materials to create their home, they decorated them so lavishly that you would have thought otherwise. She posted a great picture of wall paintings that I thought really captured the colors they used well. It's also interesting to picture how they painted the ceiling of that archway.

Jessica's Picture

Kristina's blog stuck out to me because of the way she laid her post out. I loved her now and then examples. It was very cool and useful to see both applications side by side. It really allows you to see where the inspiration came from. I never even thought about the fact that the ancient Egyptians have inspired our building exteriors with their uses of columns and other features. I also did not realize that they had a fold-able bed back then. That is probably the most amazing to me. Also I really like her modern day pyramid picture.

Kristina's Picture

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